Revista Trabajo Social Hoy
Presentación |Presentation
Artículos |Articles
Dossier: Personas mayores| Dossier: Older people
Seniors at risk of social exclusion and coronavirus: How has confinement affected?
González Sánchez, Paula ; Martínez Fernández, Noelia ; Mateo Ballesta, Nuria ; De la fuente Güenes,Fernando
Education of the population over 65 years: quality of life and socio-educational benefit or leisure space?: descriptive study in an interdisciplinary and intergenerational educational center
Herrera Sanz, Olga
Interés profesional| Professional interest
People seeking international protection: reflections from the perspective of social work
Fernández Paramos, Natalia ; Frieiro Padin, Paula ; González Rodríguez, Rubén
Route of empowerment of heads of family of the civil association of united single mothers of Sinaloa, México
Tereso Ramírez, Leonor ; Carrillo Montoya, Teresita del Niño Jesús ; Verdugo Araujo, Luz Mercedes
The incidence of socioeconomic indicators in the aplication of protection measures against child deprivation in Spain
Miño, María Gabriela ; Gómez, Raimundo Elias
Reseñas |Reviews
The good people. Stories from rural social work
Información Profesional |Professional Information
Considerations on compulsory membership
Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Madrid
Forensic Social Work in the Administrtion of Justice in the Community of Madrid
Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Madrid
Appointment of the Social Council of the Madrid City Council
Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Madrid